Previous Updates of
Saturday, November 22, 2008
For The Wolves of Time duology, I've added bookseller listings and separated out reviews, and generally shuffled the links and other material into sections. Linked to my table of editions of The Wolves of Time.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Updated my page on Hyddenworld with an image of the cover, and I've made a shadowy trees icon to replace the gradient placeholder. Linked to another Rights Guide from Macmillan.
Updated the Frequently Asked Questions.
Tuesday. October 21, 2008
Made my link to The Codburg Conspiracy more prominent, and made minor updates to the page on The Dark Hearts of Chicago.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Split off Information on Moles from my section on Duncton Wood and added a link or two.
In my section on The Duncton Trilogies I've added a table of editions of The Book of Silence, the second Duncton trilogy, which is comprised of Duncton Tales, Duncton Rising and Duncton Stone.
I've made format and wording corrections to The Book of Silence character list, and started setting up name links to jump to particular points in the list.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Further updates to Callanish links and information. Linked to "The Eagle", a poem inspired by Callanish and posted September 10, 2006 by Richard. In Callanish translations I've added a photograph of the Die Flucht des Adlers hardcover, which I now own.
A little more information on Hyddenworld: it is listed on
Friday, September 5, 2008
I've redone my page on Duncton Wood, organizing it further and adding various links. A sub-page details the editions of Duncton Wood. I've added another, which I was unaware of: a Book Club Associates (London) edition, from 1980.
Duncton Wood translations: I added information on the Italian translation, La foresta di Duncton, and got in some other links and better flow.
Slipped in another line or two into Praise for Duncton Wood.
Added a note above that notifications of updates are posted to the WHBooks Yahoo! Group, and slightly updated the Community page.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tales of the Willows is now split into a page about each of the novels, with a table of editions, and various changed and additional links.
William Horwood's upcoming novel Hyddenworld is listed on as Hyddenworld: Spring Bk. 1.
I've started adding automatic redirects for pages I've moved previously, which means fewer "file not found" errors when clicking on links to this site's own pages from previous updates.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Links Related to Callanish I've split subsections off: Praise for Callanish, Translations, Artwork inspired by Callanish, and The Callanish standing stones.
I've tweaked my section on The Boy With No Shoes and added a link or three.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Updated my section on The Stonor Eagles, removing various links which no longer exist. I've tweaked the format of Praise for The Stonor Eagles.
In my section on Skallagrigg I've added a table of Skallagrigg editions, including cover images of the 1993 Penguin paperback which ties in to the BBC film. I recently bought a copy of this edition so have been able to add details.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I've noted that William Horwood's short story The Museum Bell was translated into German as Die Museumsglocke.
In the section on The Boy With No Shoes, I have shuffled information around and put in a table of editions.
I've expanded the information and links about Dark Hearts of Chicago, the German edition Die Stadt der dunklen Herzen, and City of Dark Hearts. Linked to Dark Thoughts, an article from the Oxford Mail (May 15, 2008) about Dark Hearts of Chicago and its subsequent publication as City of Dark Hearts.
At the very bottom of that page I've added a little about the upcoming novel The Codburg Conspiracy by James Conan.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Expanded information on translations of Callanish (Die Flucht des Alders and Rajaliyage carikava) and talking books editions.
Since I don't understand German, I'm not sure what Aufbruch mit den Hobbits, Das Fantasy-Buch is other than that it apparently contains something by William Horwood.
- Aufbruch mit den Hobbits, Das Fantasy-Buch from Antiquariat Wolfgang Rüger, Deutschland
- Aufbruch Mit Den Hobbits/Das Fantasy Buch on
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Split information on Duncton Wood translations off to a separate page, and included a link about the 2007 Atalante edition. Added some information about the Hebrew translation and two photographs.
A minor update to The Wolves of Time page, updating the link to WikiFur's article on The Wolves of Time, and tweaking a couple of format things.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
From Pan Macmillan World English Rights Guide (PDF document), some further details on Hyddenworld, due out from Macmillan in June 2009.
I've started a page to hold 2008 Previous Updates.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
In my section on The Wolves of Time I've linked to Crossover Animal Fantasy Series, a piece by Marion Copeland from Society & Animals Volume 11, Number 3 (2003).
I have a page now linking to artwork and characters inspired by The Wolves of Time, where I've added links to TaniDaReal's WeuUkoo Wolves.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Split a section out to a separate page: Links about the 1994 BBC film based on Skallagrigg, and fixed various links there.
Monday, April 21, 2008
I've added Artwork inspired by Duncton Wood and the Duncton trilogies, containing pieces by Simon Mann, by myself, and by Clayette.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008.
Dark Hearts of Chicago will be printed as City of Dark Hearts by "James Conan". To be published by Arrow in June of this year. I've added to my section on Dark Hearts of Chicago, and changed the design.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008.
Rather a substational update: this website has moved to
I will be working on a more complete update and redesign of the website as a whole. For the moment, I've adjusted a couple answers in Frequently Asked Questions, added a section on Hyddenworld, added a link to this in the navigation menu, and removed a couple of links from that navigation menu, at least for the moment. Those are:
The Book List and
WHBooks Community.
Monday, February 18, 2008
William Horwood's newest novel, Hyddenworld, will be published in 2009. It is a fantasy novel "about the human race as it approaches a crisis point after its careless exploitation of natural resources" according to the announcement Six-figure deal for Horwood on Hyddenworld is the first in a four-book series, with the others to follow at yearly intervals.
Previous Updates: 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003, 2002 | 2001, 2000 | 1999 | 1998, 1997.