Tales of Longest Night

Cover Cover

In the back of the 1989 hardback of Duncton Found published by Century, which appears to be the first edition, is the following blurb:

by William Horwood

For what happened to the eldrene Wort? And what of the tale of the sinister Thripp of Blagrove Slide? Not to mention Balagan, whose full tale has never been told! And then, what was the secret that first drove a mole to cross the Dark Peak? And whatmole was it recovered the texts of Harrowdown?

These are tales a young mole hears seven Longest Nights after Woodruff scribed the Duncton Chronicles. But perhaps the strangest and most inspiring tale of all is what happens to that solitary youngster when, the celebration over, allmole but he falls asleep and Longest Night is almost done. ...

To be published before
too many moleyears have passed us by

This book was, of course, never actually published, although some aspects seem to have become incorporated into Duncton Tales, which was published in 1991.


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Part of WilliamHorwood.net. Website created and maintained by Katherine Delany. Last updated February 26, 2008.