The Wolves of

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This list is accurate up to roughly the second chapter of The Wolves of Time Volume 2: Seekers at the WulfRock, with no spoilers for that book except the names of Elhana's cubs. List is alphabetical by name. Blue indicates a member of the Wolves of Time, red a Magyar wolf, and black a member of some other pack. [D] before a name indicates a wolf dead before The Wolves of Time Volume 1: Journeys to the Heartland began.

List complied and written by Katherine Delany. Any errors are of course my own. The Wolves of Time and all the characters and storyline are copyright to William Horwood.

Abruzzo  m
Pack: Benevento
Profile: Rough leader of the Benevento pack, conspired to bring his daughter Pescara to ledreneship.
Cubs: By Elhana, Pescara

Ambato  m
Birth Pack: Benevento
Profile: Low-ranked wolf, a dreamer, fathered Elhana in a snatched moment with the pack's ledrene Lauria. Left soon after the cubs' birth. Years later joined his then-grown daughter Elhana on a journey to the Heartland, and became one of the Wolves of Time.
Cubs: By Lauria, Elhana

Ameria  f
Pack: Cabrera
Profile: Ledrene, attacked and outcast Jimena when that subordinate female's mating with the pack's leader Baillo produced a cub, Aragon.

[D] Amish  f
Pack: Bukov
Siblings: Dendrine
Profile: Taken as a cub by Huntermann, along with her sister Dendrine, managed to escape. She found a mate, Zcale, but was killed by Dendrine following her defiant attempt to howl down the Wolves of Time.
Cubs: Kubrat, Szaba and Tervicz by Zcale

Aragon  m
Birth Pack: Cabrera
Parents: Jimena and Baillo
Profile: Outcast of his birth pack, left them to become one of the Wolves of Time. Found love with the ledrene Elhana during Klimt's self-exposed exile, but was defeated on Klimts return. For the sake of pack unity, left soon after the birth of Elhana's cubs, to wander the wolfways with Jicin and Stry for a time.
Cubs: By Elhana, Solar, Lunar, Tare, Rohan and Merrow, although possibly fathered by Klimt

[D] Avendal  f
Parents: Elsinor and Klimt
Siblings: Sturma and Torne
Profile: Killed by a Mennen hunter along with her mother and siblings.

Baillo  m
Pack: Cabrera
Profile: Leader, fathered Aragon on a low ranked female.
Cubs: By Jimena, Aragon

Dendrine  f
Birth Pack: Bukov
Siblings: Amish
Profile: Taken as a cub by Huntermann, Dendrine escaped after learning his foul ways. She became ledrene of the Magyar pack, a fitting mate to Hassler, and bore a number of litters by him.
Cubs: Among others, Vollutt, Jicin, and Führer by Hassler

Elhana  f
Birth Pack: Benevento
Parents: Lauria and Ambato
Profile: Born to the ledrene of her pack, became ledrene in her turn but when defeated journeyed to become the ledrene of the Wolves of Time. Found respect with the leader Klimt, and love with Aragon.
Cubs: Among others, Pescara by Abruzzo; a litter by Klimt; Solar, Lunar, Tare, Rohan and Merrow, by Klimt or by Aragon

[D] Elsinor  f
Profile: Mate of Klimt, she and her cubs were killed by a Mennen hunter.
Cubs: Avendal, Sturma, and Torne by Klimt

Führer  m
Parents: Dendrine and Hassler
Siblings: Among others, Vollutt, Jicin and an unnamed litter brother
Profile: Dendrine's last and fouly favoured son.

Gorodok  m
Pack: Pechora
Profile: A male wolf of the Pechoran pack.

Hassler  m
Profile: Leader of the Magyar wolves, a fitting mate to Dendrine.
Cubs: Among others, Vollutt, Jicin and Führer

Jicin  f
Birth Pack: Magyar
Parents: Dendrine and Hassler
Siblings: Among others, Vollutt and Führer
Profile: The savagely treated, forlorn daughter of the Magyar leaders Dendrine and Hassler. Escaped to join the Wolves of Time, and during her self-imposed exile following the lost of Elhana's cubs, found love with Klimt. Defeated in a fight for ledreneship with Elhana, left after the birth of that female's cubs to wander the wolfways for a time with Aragon and Stry.
Cubs: By an unknown male, a litter killed at birth by Dendrine

Jimena  f
Pack: Cabrera
Profile: Once beautiful, Jimena was savagely attacked and outcast by the pack's ledrene Ameria when Jimena's mating with the leader Baillo produced a cub, Aragon, whom Jimena lovingly raised.
Cubs: Aragon, by Baillo

Klimt  m
Birth Pack: Tornesdal
Profile: Born to a small pack, left when the others died from poison. Found a mate, Elsinor, but she and their cubs were killed by a Mennen hunter. Journeyed towards the Heartland, first alone, then with the company of Tervicz. Became leader of the Wolves of Time, finding respect although never love with his ledrene Elhana. During his self-imposed exile, found a deep love with Jicin.
Cubs: By Elsinor, Avendal, Sturma, and Torne; By Elhana, Solar, Lunar, Tare, Rohan and Merrow, although possibly fathered by Aragon

Kobrin  m
Birth Pack: Pechora
Siblings: Yashka
Profile: Worthy leader of the Russian wolves, left them to journey to the Heartland, and became one of the Wolves of Time.

Kubrat  m
Pack: Bukov
Parents: Amish and Zcale
Siblings: Szaba and Tervicz
Profile: Crippled, yet the favoured son of Zcale, and it was his great spirit which prompted Tervicz to howl down the Wolves of Time.

Lauria  f
Pack: Benevento
Profile: Ledrene, bore pups by the low-ranked dreamer Ambato, and died some months after their then-grown daughter Elhana left to journey to the Heartland.
Cubs: Elhana by Ambato

Lounel  m
Birth Pack: Malpertus
Profile: Last male of his pack, after the death of his brothers journeyed away from his birthplace, and became one of the Wolves of Time. A gangly dreamer.

Lunar  m
Birth Pack: The Wolves of Time
Parents: Elhana and either Klimt or Aragon
Siblings: Solar, Tare, Rohan and Merrow
Profile: One of Elhana's sons, he or perhaps his brother Solar is Wulf reborn.

Merrow  f
Birth Pack: The Wolves of Time
Parents: Elhana and Klimt, or Aragon
Siblings: Solar, Lunar, Tare, and Rohan
Profile: One of Elhana's daughters by Klimt, or perhaps by Aragon.

Morten  m
Siblings: Stry
Profile: Elder brother of Stry, a strong, caring wolf. Died in a landslide in the Heartland.

Pescara  f
Pack: Benevento
Parents: Elhana and Abruzzo
Profile: Elhana's daughter, a cold wolf who defeated her mother, gaining ledreneship of the Benevento pack.

Raute  f
Profile: A wise old wolf, once Ratgeber to the Magyar pack, she is now one of the Wolves of Time, and an advisor to Klimt.

Rohan  f
Birth Pack: The Wolves of Time
Parents: Elhana and Klimt, or Aragon
Siblings: Solar, Lunar, Tare, and Merrow
Profile: One of Elhana's daughters by Klimt, or perhaps by Aragon.

Semenov  m
Pack: Pechora
Profile: A male wolf of the Pechoran pack.

Solar  m
Birth Pack: The Wolves of Time
Parents: Elhana and either Klimt or Aragon
Siblings: Lunar, Tare, Rohan and Merrow
Profile: One of Elhana's sons, he or perhaps his brother Lunar is Wulf reborn.

Stry  m
Siblings: Morten
Profile: A good natured Slavic wolf, named for the place his brother Morten dragged him to after the death of their parents and sister at Mennen hands. After his brother's death at the Hertalnd, left with Aragon and Jicin to wander the wolfways for a time.

[D] Sturma  f
Parents: Elsinor and Klimt
Siblings: Avendal and Torne
Profile: Killed by a Mennen hunter along with her mother and siblings.

Szaba  f
Pack: Bukov
Parents: Amish and Zcale
Siblings: Kubrat and Tervicz
Profile: Last remaining female of the Bukov pack, and sorrowful in that knowledge.

Tare  f
Birth Pack: The Wolves of Time
Parents: Elhana and Klimt, or Aragon
Siblings: Solar, Lunar, Rohan and Merrow
Profile: One of Elhana's daughters by Klimt, or perhaps by Aragon.

Tervicz  m Birth Pack: Bukov
Parents: Amish and Zcale
Siblings: Kubrat and Szaba
Profile: Howled down the Wolves of Time, then journeyed to join them. Was the first Wolf to meet up with Klimt, and remains a close companion and advisor to him.

[D] Torne  m
Parents: Elsinor and Klimt
Siblings: Avendal and Sturma
Profile: Killed by a Mennen hunter along with his mother and sisters.

[D] Umbrio  m
Pack: Benevento
Profile: Elhana's beloved when she was young, killed by the pack's leader Abruzzo.

Vollutt  m
Parents: Dendrine and Hassler
Siblings: Among others, Jicin and Führer
Profile: Once loved by his sister Jicin, but had his capacity to love stolen by him as he grew up in the Magyar pack.

Yashka  f
Pack: Pechora
Siblings: Kobrin
Profile: Kobrin's sister. Held captive in a zoo by Mennen.

(Unnamed) Führer's brother  m
Parents: Dendrine and Hassler
Siblings: Among others, Vollutt, Jicin and Führer
Profile: Litter brother of Dendrine's final pup, knew only a few moments of trusting existance before being rejected by his mother, then slowly eaten alive by his growing brother Führer. Died from that foulness.

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